This website is a collection of speedrun notes of games I've run, interesting information about said games and a list of my personal bests. Every router and person involved with each game are mentioned in the Credits page.
You can download the notes off of the website as well, if you'd prefer having them offline. The notes on this website are my personal ones, with strats I developed, and which I use to run myself. Please, go to speedrun.com for other resources, as the notes alone might not be sufficient to learn the speedrun.
I'm Sion and I'm a portuguese speedrunner who mostly focus on JRPGs, specifically megaten games. I most enjoy running games and categories that haven't been run before and making them more easily runnable by making overly detailed notes and resources for them, and then peer-pressuring every speedrunner I know into running them.
My speedrun plans are to run every classic SFC megaten game, followed by every GB/GBC megaten game, before moving on to PSX/GBA megaten - and, maybe, only then, move on to modern megaten. Plans might, and will, change.