DemiKids - Dark Version Speedrun Notes

General Information

Hold A and mash B to mash through text fast. You can just hold A and run into stuff instead of mashing to talk/investigate stuff. Fuse demons in order specified in the notes, selecting another demon first can create different results. You don't have to wait for Repel to run out before using it again. Buffs and debuffs stack 7 times. Gale keeps buffs even after dying and being revived. Open and closing the map keeps encounters away for a handful of steps.

Type Weaknesses:

  • Light - Dark*
  • Dark - Light*
  • Fire - Water, Wind, Ice*
  • Ice - Earth, Elec, Fire*
  • Water - Fire, Wind, Elec*
  • Elec - Earth, Ice, Water*
  • Earth - Elec, Ice, Wind*
  • Wind - Fire, Water, Earth*


Mash through dialogue in classroom and leave to trigger cutscene. Then head to the rightmost door to enter the Library.

Pick up Love Charm and Guard Gum in the leftmost bookshelf, Repel Charm next to the stairs and Mana Juice at the Bottom Bookshelf then talk to Lena. Then talk to the librarian and say Take Book and then talk to Jin again. Cutscene will be triggered. Choose to use the Demiloc.

Fight Gargoyle:

  • Dark Howl
  • Attack AUTO

Mash through text. You can buffer Start and A to skip through the demons joining. When regaining control, go to Setup and change Text Speed to Fast and Animations to Off. Heal Gale.

Leave the library. The fastest way to move is to ride Gale, press R and say Yes. You can buffer R when leaving a room. Defeat any encounters with Auto -> Attack. Pick up the ointment in the top left bookshelf and mana juice in the plant.

Go to the leftmost door in the corridor. Pick up the repel charm and attack gum in the lockers and bookshelf. Leave and head to the next door to the right. Pick up 500 macca from the locker and Revive Orb and Mana Juice from the top right bookshelf.

Move down to talk to Jin. This will trigger a cutscene.

Continue north up the stairs. Move diagonally across the staircases to move faster.

Fight pixie:

  • Auto -> Attack

Enter the roof. Talk to the guy and try to leave, which triggers another cutscene. Go south to Hueyville.


Go to the top-left house and talk to the table for Speed Gum. Go down and up the stairs to enter the house, talk to the flowers for Resist Gum. Cross the bridge, enter the Heretic Mansion.


  • Gale x Windling
  • Gale x Lava Rat

Go down the stairs and up to the store.


  • Gums (Except for Attack Gum)


  • 11 Energy Pills
  • 11 Mana Juice
  • 4 Angel Wings
  • Smoke bombs

Leave east.

Pick up the first chest (Troll Seed). Fight encounters with Dark Howl and heal with Heal mid-battle. In between battles, heal with Energy Pills and Mana Juice. Fight until level 6, then switch to using smoke bombs.

Head inside the cave. Pick up Smoke Bomb chest and Attack Gum. Recruit Two-Tail and another extra demon, whichever works so just try for the next one you get. Pick up the Luck Gum chest and Revival Orb chests side-by-side.

Leave the cave then head east, north on the intersection, pick up the Resist Gum chest then east again. Recruit Garum. After getting Garum, avoid encounters. Arrange the party with Garum on top, then Aminoz then Two-Tail. Use Attack Gums on Gale and heal up.

Talk to the set of rocks before entering the cave to recruit Chot (password: Atlus). Pick up Magic Gum chest and head inside the cave.

Ring the bell 3x times.

Fight Tupon:

  • Crush Claw, Powerboost
  • Attack, Troll Seed
  • Heal when necessary with Gale (Heal All)

Head outside the cave and Angel Wing back to town. Revive anyone if necessary.


  • Gums


  • Demon Relic
  • Talon Relic

Head inside the Heretic Mansion.


  • Garum x Two-Tail = Razor (Powerboost, Distract)
  • Aminoz x Razor = Windlord (Powerboost, Distract)

Leave through the south. Trigger cutscene.

Center Town

Head west to Center Town. Recruit one random demon to fuse into Gale, usually Ice Baby or Makara are the easiest to recruit.

Get to at least level 8. Heal between fights. Defeating demons in this area:

  • Generally: Dark Howl (Gale), Heal (Windlord)
  • Makara: Cyclone (Windlord)

Once you hit level 8 and have gotten the extra demon, avoid encounters.

Then head east, pick up chest with Macca, pick up the Love Charm and enter beyond the bushes to the hidden house. Talk to Wyregg to recruit it. Head west again to Center Town.

Grab Resist Gum from house on the way to VN.

Enter Virtual Network (VN) building and take demonary quiz from the Quiz Master.


  • First quiz: 2, 1, 2, 1, 2
  • Second quiz: 2, 3, 1, 3, 2
  • Third quiz: 3, 2, 1, 3, 2

Go to the shop.


  • Gums (except Attack Gum)

(Top seller) Buy:

  • Heavy Relic

(Bottom seller) Buy:

  • 21 Energy Pills
  • 21 Mana Juice
  • 1 Revive Orb
  • 21x Angel Wing

Head to the mansion, talk to the left demon. Save.

Fuse with Relics:

  • Random -> Cait Sith

Summon Chot, Wyregg and any other extra demon.


  • Gale x Chot
  • Gale x Wyregg
  • Gale x Random Demon
  • Gale x Random Demon

Summon Windlord again.


  • Windlord x Cait Sith = Speedy (Heal All, Powerboost, Distract)

Leave North and save. It is easier to reload then to waste money reviving Gale if he suddenly dies. Keep taking encounters on the way to the boss fight.

Fighting demons:

  • Cait Sith - Dark Howl, Attack/Heal
  • Shaklam - Dark Howl, Attack/Heal
  • Midir - Dark Howl, Attack/Heal
  • Arakneus - Cycloburst

Leave North and possibly save before the top of the area, heal up, use Attack Gum.

Fight Grevir:

  • Crush Claw, Powerboost
  • Attack with Gale and Powerboost if HP is up, if not Heal All with Speedy or with Gale
  • After 3x Powerboost, attack with both if HP isn't low
  • If you get Mystic Bind without hitting Crush Claw or Powerboost, it might be worth resetting
  • Make sure to keep HP up

Heal up. Fight encounters on the way. Continue North and go West to chest for Alarm. Then head further north for Lucifer's Palace. Go up the stairs and north beyond the teleporter. Talk to Lucifer and receive the Kingloc. Set Alarm on the Demiloc.

Continue north. Fight random encounters with Dark Howl, remember to heal between battles.

Watch the cutscene and talk to the leftmost Time Maiden (Verdandi). Angel Wing back to Center Town. Head north and grind right outside of theb town until level 11.

When you're done, re-enter the town and leave West.

Ice Temple

Avoid encounters by opening and closing the map (this will be referred in notes as simply "avoiding encounters"). Follow the path to Frostyville.

Leave and go to the right side of town. Heal party. Talk to the barrel in front of the healer for an Attack Gum.

Go up the staircase to the left and beyond the shop to the house. Press A inbetween bookshelves and answer "Light". Summon Ikonda on the Kingloc. Use Attack Gums on Gale.

Leave north to the town and head left up the stairs. Follow north to the Ice Temple. Avoid encounters this entire section.

Fight Harborim:

  • Crush Claw With Gale, Cycloburst with Speedy, Polarburst with Ikonda
  • Heal All with Gale, Cycloburst with Speedy, Polarburst with Ikonda

Watch Gale's transformation. Choose the 2nd option. Use a repel charm.

Take the left chest to get Dredfang. Use Terror Gaze in any fight in the ice puzzle, Heal All with Speedy and Ice Breath with Ikonda to freeze them. Walk through the Ice Temple. On the puzzle, remember you can move diagonally. Avoid encounters outside of the puzzle. Go through the time portal to the Time Tower.


Continue downstairs. On the two chests side-by-side, get the rightmost one to get a Guard Gum.

Use a Love Charm.

Follow the path and fight:

  • Demipyre : Ice Breath - Gale & Ikonda, Heal All
  • Horus - Cycloburst (Speedy)
  • Windmare - Ice Breath - Gale & Ikonda, Cycloburst (Speedy)

Talk to Judy in the house at the right then continue North outside the town. If you're level 14, summon Hydra on the top slot of the Kingloc.


  • Phantom: Terror Gaze
  • Dreddogs - Terror Gaze, Cycloburst /recruit once youre 15
  • Power - Terror Gaze
  • Skeleton - Terror Gaze, Cycloburst

Head west, grab the chest with the Speed Gum. Follow the path to Hydraville, make sure to get to level 15 before it and avoid encounters once you're level 16.

In Hydraville


  • Ikonda x Hydra - Kokatris (Distract)

Head up the stairs and go to the rightmost door for a cutscene. Then grab a Holy Orb from the shelf.

Enter the mine.

Grind to level 16 with Ice Breath, Heal All and Distract. Remember to heal MP between fights with Mana Juices. Recruit 1x Osiris (16), use distract. There is a chest with an Osiris and an Incubus right before the door to Limbo. Head into the middle room and open chest with 5000 Macca. Optionally, recruit Dredogg.

Put both Osiris on top of the Demiloc and Kokatris on top of the Kingloc.

Avoid encounters. Any encounters escape with smoke bomb.

Fight Crosel:

  • Terror Gaze with Gale, Petraburst/Heal with Osiris, Pyroburst with Kokatris. Throw Dredfang.

Watch Gale's transformation. Choose the 2nd option.

Future Rem

Angel Wing back to Hydraville and head to the northmost house, talk to Naomi (the piano player). Leave south and do the Primus skips. Grab the Guard Gum outside of Avalon.


  • 31 Energy Cube
  • 11 Mana Sundae

Make sure you have at least 3000 macca left. Head to Elysium, grab Speed Gum on the way.

Talk to the trainer guide and learn both skills.

Leave and angel Wing to Hermit and leave West. Use a Love Charm.


  • Virtue: Death Breath
  • Bifrius: Ice Blade
  • Orochi: Ice Blade, Petraburst
  • or Spam Battle Rush

If you have to choose between Death Breath or Ice Blade, choose Death Breath because it has a chance to instantly kill. Heal in between fights. Defend with Osiris unless to heal. Take fights until level 19 or level 18 with under 500xp left until 19. Then use a repel charm.

Go beyond the waterfall to the hidden HQ. Take the stairs to the right and watch the cutscene. Then talk to the barrel for the Attack Gum.

Leave, angel Wing to Time Tower. Go back up and head to future Rem (middle door of the three red ones).

After teleporting, talk to the first old man for a heal. Head right and leave.

Arrange party of Gale, Osiris and Scout.

Fight Agni:

  • Battle Rush, defend, defend.
  • Heal with Osiris if needed, avoid anyone dying.

Grab chest with Holy Orb on the way back and avoid encounters. Walk back to the portal.

Angel Wing to Hueyville and head north through the portal. Go to the entrance of the school and use a Time Chain. Leave the school.

Go south past the school gates then head right and down.

Fight Kanos:

  • Battle Rush, defend, defend.
  • Heal with Osiris if needed, avoid anyone dying.

Talk to Blonde girl and say yes.

Angel Wing back to the school. Head to the rooftop to watch the cutscene. Take the portal to the right.

So much time travelling

Go back to Future Rem (middle red door). Leave through the right and head back to the area you fought Agni, talk to Kibra (green thing). Leave back through the portal.

Return to Present Rem (leftmost red door). Angel Wing to Center Town.

Go talk to Lucifer, leave north to be able to teleport. Use an Angel Wing back to Ice Temple. Go through the portal to the Time Tower.

Head through the rightmost red door (past Rem). Head right and north up the corridor and open the left chest and read the letter. Head back through the portal.

Return to Present Rem (leftmost red door). Angel Wing to Center Town. Talk to Lucifer again and head north to be able to Angel Wing back to Center Town. Leave South.

Go East until you reach the next town.

Go to shop.


  • Gums


  • 3 Revive Orbs

Then leave through the north and keep going until the next town. Grab Attack Gum.


  • Revive Gems, leave at least 4500 left

Keep going until you reach the Temple and head straight north.

Arrange party with Osiris and Scout. Use Attack Gums.

Fight Bifronz:

  • Battle Rush, defend, Powerboost with Scout.
  • 3 Powerboosts is enough.
  • Heal with Energy Cubes or Healmore All.

Watch Gale transform. Choose the 2nd option.


Use an Angel Wing to Ice Temple, go through the portal and Angel Wing to Elysium.

Talk to the Guide next to the temple. Buy Skills for 4500, make sure Magic Cross is at the top.

Enter Northmost place to activate the cutscene with Jin. Then go back and leave south. Angel Wing to Avalon.

Leave West and go to the final area. Avoid encounters.

Fight Grimlee:

  • Magic Cross with Gale, Healmore ALl with Osiris and Powerboost with Scout.

Fight Empra:

  • AUTO

Head north. Avoid encounters. Fully heal everyone.

Fight Seipher:

  • Magic Cross, and Healmore All, Powerboost
  • Revive with Gems, use Holy Orb if nobody is alive with Healmore All
  • Prioritize keeping Gale healed.

Stop the timer on final input (when credits start).