
First dream sequence starts:

  • Name Hero ア and put all points in Speed .
  • Name Law Hero カ and put 5 points into Speed and rest into Magic .
  • Name Chaos Hero サ and put all points into Magic .

Mash B to leave the house (1) then head to the Arcade (3) and go to (B) to get attacked by Haunt Preta.



Return home and go to bed (Up x2 - Sleep すいみんを とる)

Second dream sequence:

  • Mash A to say yes.
  • Name Heroine イ and put 9 points into Speed and rest into Magic.

Inokashira Park

Go to Inokashira Park (4) and watch the cutscene. Buy 3x Holy Shaft 破魔矢 at KAIFUKU and get the 400 MAG chest (1).


Inokashira Park
Inokashira Park

Return home to get arrested.


Recruit Law Hero (A) and go talk to STEVEN (B) (Yes → No).

Hospital 1F
Hospital 1F

Hospital 2F
Hospital 2F

Head upstairs to fight Fallen Orias(C):

  • Hero defends and Law Hero uses Holy Shaft 破魔矢.
  • Hero levels Intelligence and Law Hero puts 4 points to Magic and 1 point to Speed .


Leave the hospital and go to the Arcade again.



Once in the Arcade recruit Chaos Hero (A) and enter SURVIVAL:

Sell うる: Total 32580¥

  • Swords & Guns.

Buy かう:

  • Head Gear ヘッドギア
  • Survival Vest サバイバーベスト

Equip そうび

  • Hero - Survival Vest サバイバーベスト

Go home and fight Jaki Ama no Sakugami:

  • AUTO
  • Hero levels Intelligence , Law Hero levels Speed , and Chaos Hero levels Magic .
  • If Chaos Hero is CLOSE, go to your room じぶんの へやに いく and Sleep すいみんを とる.

Inokashira Park

Go to Inokashira Park and buy 9x Holy Shaft破魔矢 and head to Echo Building.

Echo Building

From now on it's possible to recruit the demons needed but it's not necessary to force a recruit here, as all the demons available here are also present in the next few areas.

Echo Building
Echo Building

Echo Building 5F
Echo Building 5F

Take the elevator to 5F and go fight Douman:

  • Hero defends and the others use Holy Shaft 破魔矢.
  • Chaos Hero uses Patra パトラ to cure BIND.
  • Heal Chaos Hero or Law Hero with Dia ディア if needed.
  • Hero levels up Intelligence , Law hero levels up Magic, and Chaos Hero levels up Magic.

Enter the Terminal room and transfer てんそう to Shinjuku Lab.


You may choose to save きろく at the terminals as failing to escape a group of Harpies can kill one or all party members.

Lab 2F
Lab 2F

Lab 1F
Lab 1F

Events (A) and (B) are fixed Jaki Orc encounters in which Chaos Hero uses Agi アギ and the others defend.

Underground Mall

After leaving the Lab, head to the Underground Mall. The exp from just fixed fights is not enough to level Chaos Hero to 13 by the time recruits could be over, so fighting an encounter is required: Haunt Oshichi dies to Zan ザン, Night Imp and Jaki Orc die to Agi アギ.


Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F
Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F

This is where most recruits can be done with the exception of Fairy Dryad, but it's also not the last place these demons can be found. Make sure to talk away encounters with demons already recruited as they may give money, magnetite, and Life Stones ませき that can be used for negotiations.

Head to the southernmost bar and talk to the barman: talk to him → yes → no → yes. Head downstairs on the northeastern set of stairs.

Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F
Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F

Shinjuku Underground Mall B2F
Shinjuku Underground Mall B2F

Talk to the Heroine (B) and go back upstairs to meet the Resistance Man (A) and head out to the western exit.

Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F
Shinjuku Underground Mall B1F

For safety, go to the Messian Church and buy 3x Holy Waters 聖水.

Tokyo Metropolitan Government

From the Underground Mall head south for the public execution.


Metropolitan Office
Metropolitan Office

Enter the building at 3/8 ascending and fight the hordes (A):

  • Undead Zombie Cop シキ ゾンビコップ - Chaos Hero uses Maragi マハラギ
  • Undead Zombie Army シキ ゾンビアーミー - Chaos Hero uses Maragi マハラギ. Law Hero can use Holy Shaft破魔矢 for safety.
  • AUTO
  • Spirit Lemures アクリョウ レムルース and Haunt Ghoul ユウキ グール - Law Hero uses Holy Waters聖水 on the left and Chaos Hero uses Maragiマハラギ on the right.
  • Level Intelligence for Hero and Magic for Law and Chaos Hero.

Hero should hit Level 12, so every recruit is possible from now on. Go out and head north to Ozawa's Hideout.

Ozawa Hideout
Ozawa Hideout

Ozawa's Hideout
Ozawa's Hideout

Get the 1360MAG chest (1) and go fight Haunt Baykok (A):

  • AUTO
  • Level Magic for Chaos Hero.

Fairy Goblin and Fairy Pyro Jack are available in this dungeon and ideally should have already been recruited. Fairy Dryad and Night Imp can also be found here.

Before you leave to Ichigaya Garrison, you should have Pyro Jack, Goblin, and Andras/Kobold/Jack Frost.

If recruits are over or when leaving the building, use Estoma エストマ with Chaos Hero (Lv 13). Go back to Shinjuku Underground Mall (3).

Ichigaya Garrison

Use Estoma エストマ. Unequip Chaos Hero's equipment and equip it on Hero. Have the Heroine join your party (A) and unequip her Weapons and Bullets. Head into the Messiah and buy 2x Holy Waters 聖水. Then leave through the eastern exit to go to the Ichigaya Garrison.

Shinjuku B1F
Shinjuku B1F

Path to Ichigaya
Path to Ichigaya

Once you enter the building, take the elevator to B1F and get the Aquamarine, and take the elevator to 3F. Talk to Gotou and leave the building for the American Embassy. Make sure Brute Azumi and Night Imp are recruited before leaving.

Ichigaya 1F
Ichigaya 1F

Ichigaya 3F
Ichigaya 3F

Ichigaya B1F
Ichigaya B1F

American Embassy

Go south to the Embassy.

Path to American Embassy
Path to American Embassy

American Embassy B1F
American Embassy B1F

American Embassy 1F
American Embassy 1F

American Embassy 2F
American Embassy 2F

Before fighting Thor, recruit Fairy Dryad if you haven't back in Ozawa's Hideout.

Go upstairs and before talking to Thorman (B) summon ナカマを よびだす your demons:

  • Hero
  • Heroine
  • Pyro Jack ジャックランタン
  • Azumi アズミ
  • Goblinゴブリン

If needed, reorder いちがえを する party.

Talk to Thorman (No → No → Yes) and fight Deity Thor:

  • First turn: Defend, Mazio マハジオ,Zio ジオ, Agilao アギラオ, Makakaja マカカジャ
  • AUTO
  • Hero puts 4 pointos into Magic and rest into Vitality and Heroine levels Magic.

Get chests (5), (6), and (3). Getting (3) before the fight is a safety option.

Use Magic Incense 魔力の香 on Heroine and unequip her sword, gun and bullets.

Kongo Shinkai

After the ICBM, the Hero wakes up in Kongou Shinkai with no party members or demons in his COMP.

Kongo Shinkai
Kongo Shinkai

Quickly go to Chaos Hero (E) and cast Estomaエストマ, go to Law Hero (D) and then go back to En-no-Ozuno (A) getting the previously recruited demons (I) on your way. En-no-Ozuno will ask for some Somaソーマ twice, before returning to him with Soma the second time a safety save can be considered (B). Talk to the Blue Phantom (H), get your last few demons back and fight the Red Phantom (G):

Summonナカマを よびだす demons into the formation:

  • Hero
  • Azumiアズミ
  • Goblinゴブリン
  • Pyro Jack ジャックランタン

Fight Red Phantom:

  • First Turn: Zio ジオ, Makakaja マカカジャ, Holy Shaft 破魔矢, Agilao アギラオ
  • Rest: AUTO
  • Level Intelligence

Go back to En-no-Ozuno (A) and, if needed, heal with Goki (C). Then leave for the exit (J) and fight Zenki and Goki:

  • Zio ジオ - Zenki; Makakajaマカカジャ; Defend; Agilao アギラオ - Goki; Agilao アギラオ - Goki; Zanmaザンマ - Goki
  • Hero levels Intelligence.
  • Law Hero puts 14 points into Magic to max and the rest goes to Speed
  • Chaos Hero puts 5 points into Intelligence to max and the rest goes to Speed

Tokyo - Ozawa

After leaving Kongou Shinkai, give the man some money - but he'll complain it isn't worth anything anymore. Go north to Shinjuku.

Path to Shinjuku
Path to Shinjuku

Shinjuku B1F
Shinjuku B1F

Shinjuku Disco
Shinjuku Disco

Shinjuku 2F
Shinjuku 2F

Trade the Emerald エメラルド for a Core Shield コアシルド at the Rugs Shop.

Bookmark the Shinjuku Terminal. Go to the junk shop.


  • Weapons and Bullets

Buy かう:

  • Hinraya ヒンラヤ

Heal at the messian.

Head to the first bar to receive some Macca from the old man (A), then go to the Disco basement to receive some info (B). Finally head to 2F to meet Ozawa (C). Go back downstairs and let Chaos Hero fuse with a demon at the JAKYOU. If available, he will pick a Chaos aligned demon to fuse, which is the reason for having recruited Imp.

Heal with Auto Recover.


  • 10x Holy Shaft 破魔矢

Return to Ozawa's Office.


  • Azumi アズミ
  • Goblin ゴブリン
  • Hero
  • Pyro Jack ジャックランタン
  • Law Hero
  • Chaos Hero

Fight Kishin Take-Minakata:

  • AUTO
  • Hero - Magic, Law Hero - Speed
  • Dialogue after the fight: No → Yes

Leave the building.


Shibuya 1F
Shibuya 1F

Head south to Shibuya.

Shibuya 1F
Shibuya 1F

Shibuya 2F
Shibuya 2F

Escape from any encounter using Law Hero's Trafuri トラフリ.

Go see the Heroine. On the way, try to get at least 5k more Macca and a Messian human. Grab the Intelligence Incense in 1F and the 2 Jewels in 2F. Afterwards, drop back down.

Afterwards, go downstairs and go to the Heretic Mansion to fuse Megami Kushinada-Hime:

  • Pyro Jack ジャックランタン
  • Dryad ドリアード
  • Azumi アズミ

Do the random fusion to get Sylph.

  • Messian Human
  • Extra demon (not Kushinada or Goblin)

Transfer to Shinjuku.

Shinjuku B1F
Shinjuku B1F

Shinjuku B2F
Shinjuku B2F

After transfering てんそう to Shinjuku, head downstairs and fight Jaki Wendigo to be able to meet Psycho Diver:

Summon ナカマを よびだす demons

  • Kushinada-Hime クシナダヒメ
  • Goblin ゴブリン
  • Hero
  • Law Hero
  • Sylph シルフ


  • Turns: Holy Waters 聖水, Makakaja マカカジャ, Holy Shaft 破魔矢, Defend, Mazio マハジオ

Talk to Psycho Diver at the same place you met the Heroine before the ICBM, and head back to the terminal. Transfer てんそう to Shibuya シブヤ and SAVE. Go back to the Heroine to enter her spiritual world.

Heroine's Mind
Heroine's Mind

Estoma. Go to (D) to fight Femme Arachne:

  • First turn: AUTO
  • Hero levels Intelligence and Law Hero levels Vitality

Traport. Leave.

Buy かう:

  • 5x Tamagaeri たまがえり
  • 8x Holy Shaft破魔矢.


Path to Roppongi
Path to Roppongi

Talk to Alice and head downstairs.

Ropppongi 1F
Ropppongi 1F

Roppongi B1F
Roppongi B1F

Once in B1F, use the Core Shield コアシールド. Get the Jar (6) and take the elevator to 3F.

Roppongi 3F
Roppongi 3F

Roppongi B1F
Roppongi B1F

Make Alice (C) cry by refusing her requests and say yes to Yuriko. Go back to B1F to fight Fallen Nebiros.


  • Heroine Holy Shaft破魔矢, Makakajaマカカジャ, Defend, Mazioマハジオ, Defend
  • Hero puts 1 point into Intelligence

Cast Traportトラポート and head northeast to Ginza Underpass.


Make your way through Ginza Underpass.

Ginza Underpass B1F
Ginza Underpass B1F

Ginza Underpass B2F
Ginza Underpass B2F

Ginza Underpass B3F
Ginza Underpass B3F

Ginza Underpass Crossing
Ginza Underpass Crossing

Once in Ginza, save at the terminal. Grab the core shield in chest (2) and then head downstairs.

Ginza B1F
Ginza B1F

Ginza B2F
Ginza B2F

Head to the Devil Summoner. Tell him: No -> Yes.

  • First turn: Tamagaeri たまがえり
  • AUTO
  • Third: Hero - Holy Shaft破魔矢, Heroine - Holy Shaft破魔矢, Mazio マジオ with Sylph


Make your way through the Underpass and go south to Shinagawa.

Ginza Underpass B3F
Ginza Underpass B3F

Ginza Underpass to Ginza
Ginza Underpass to Ginza

Shinagawa Underpass
Shinagawa Underpass

Path to Shinagawa
Path to Shinagawa

Enter Shinagawa.


Bookmark the terminal. Heal at the Messiah if necessary.


  • 3x Ghost Rice


Grab the Kusanagi (13) on floor 2F.


Talk to Law Hero.


Go up to the 4F and fight the Devil Summoner in 4F:

  • AUTO
  • Second fight: Tamagaeri たまがえり + Mazio マジオ
  • Third fight: AUTO
  • From now on, points into Vitality for both.

Use Traport トラポート and transfer to Ginza. Walk straight forward to go to Ikebukuro

GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro
GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro

GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro 2F
GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro 2F

GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro 3F
GINZA Underpass to Ikebukuro 3F

Say YES to Yama.

Ikebukuro 2F
Ikebukuro 2F

Collect the Pearl.

Ikebukuro 1F
Ikebukuro 1F

Leave and head east to the house.


Fight Bishamonten:

  • Defend, Defend, Bufula, Defend, Ghost Rice
  • Vitality

Leave through the other side and go to Ueno.


Path to Ueno
Path to Ueno

Enter Ueno.


Save at the Terminal.


  • 31x Zionga Stones

Then head upstairs and grab the chest with the Ruby (4) in 3F.

Gaia Church:

  • 1x Amulet
  • 1x Pentagram



Obtain the Ruby and traport.


Go to the Rags Store and exchange:

  • Trade Emerald エメラルド + Aquamarine アクアマリン + Pearl パール = Undine ウンディーネ
  • Trade Ruby ルビー + Garnet ガーネット + Diamond ダイヤモンド = Salamander サラマンダー

Use Traport トラポート. Head to the Mansion next door and fuse the Hinokagutsuchi.

  • Kusanagi no Tsurugi x Sylph - Futsu no Mitama
  • Futsu no Mitama x Undyne - Ame no Murakumo
  • Ame no Murakumo x Salamnder - Hinokagutsuchi

Equip the Hinokagutsuchi on Hero.

Head down.



Fight Drake Ladon.

  • First turn: Sword, Tarukaja タルカジャ, Attack, Zionga Stone
  • AUTO. Heal whenever necessary.
  • Assign Vitality for Hero and 2x points into Magic for Heroine and the rest into Vitality .

Cast Traesto トラエスト. Enter the reward house at Full Moon and grab the left chest (first in the list). Head through Jikoukuten's Lair and fight it.



  • AUTO
  • Points into Vitality

Head south to TDL.

Tokyo Destiny Land

Enter T.D.L.


The next three floors have several warps which send you to the next floor, cycling back and forth: 2F → 3F → 4F → 3F.




Meet Vile Echidna: No → No.

Fight Echidna:

  • AUTO
  • Points into Vitality

Use Traport トラポート and transfer to Shinagawa.


Set up Traestro (going outside and re-entering). Go to the armor shop.

Sell うる:

  • Magician's Mask 魔導士のマスク

Buy かう:

  • Dragon Helm ドラゴンヘルム
  • Dragon Mail ドラゴンメイル
  • Crimson Helm 紅の兜
  • Crimson Mail 紅の鎧

Equip そうび

  • Hero - Dragon Helm ドラゴンヘルム, Dragon Mailドラゴンメイル
  • Heroine - Crimson Helm 紅の兜, Crimson Mail 紅の鎧



Talk to Haniel: Yes. Cast Traesto トラエスト and go to the Cathedral.

Upper Cathedral


Talk to Law Hero to trigger the flood, get the Octopus and go to the shops.

Head to the Weapon store.

Buy かう:

  • Pauza P50 パウザP50 - 28,000
  • Flash Bullets 閃光弾 - 10,000

Go to the Armor shop next door.

Buy かう:

  • Atlas Gloves アトラスの篭手
  • Metal Boots メタルブーツ
  • Kishin Gloves 鬼神の篭手 - if enough money


  • Hero - Pauza P50, Flash Bullets, Dragon Helm, Dragon Mail, Atlas Gloves, Kishin Gloves, unequip Hinokagutsuchi
  • Heroine - Crimson Helm, Crimson Mail, (Kishin Gloves), Hinokagutsuchi

Head outside and enter the water, then re-enter the cathedral and talk to Law Hero who'll ask you to go with Vishnu and defeat Indrajit and Ravana. Leave again and go to the Tokyo Government Building.

Tokyo Building

Government Building - 32F
Government Building - 32F

Go up the left elevator.

Government Building - 45F
Government Building - 45F

Government Building - 46F
Government Building - 46F

Government Building - 47F
Government Building - 47F

Government Building - 48F
Government Building - 48F

Talk to Vishnu. Traesto.

Government Building - 32F
Government Building - 32F

Use estoma and then return Kushinada-Hime and Goblin. Summon Vishnu.

Government Building - 45F
Government Building - 45F

Government Building - 46F
Government Building - 46F

Government Building - 47F
Government Building - 47F

Government Building - 48F
Government Building - 48F

Summon Vishnu ヴィシュヌ. Fight Deity Ravana and Deity Indrajit.

  • Sword with Heroine, Gun with Hero, Attack with Vishnu
  • AUTO
  • Points into Vitality

Traport トラポート, go to the junks and buy as many Smoke Bombs as possible and start the ascent.

Upper Cathedral

Summon Kushinada-Hime.




Follow the red line to the heart and then the pink line to ascend. Grab the angels in floors 2F, 3F and 4F.







In 7F there is another Soma (18) you can get for safety.



After talking to Law Hero at the top of the cathedral, Traport and head oustside to go fuse the Angel Ring in Ikebukuro.

Traport and swim to Ikebukuro.


Traport after fusing the ring.

Lower Cathedral

Climb down the cathedral.


Follow the red line and then the yellow line.









Get poisoned on the 5th floor.

Use the Core Shield in B6F. You can grab a back-up Soma in B7F.

Fight Chaos Hero and Lilith:

  • Return Kushinada, GUN with Hero and SWORD with Heroine.
  • AUTO. Stop to heal if necessary.
  • Points into Vitality

Finally, at B8F fight Tenma Lord Asura:

  • AUTO until Bind
  • Summonナカマを よびだす Goblinゴブリン
  • Goblin uses Tarukaja タルカジャ until he runs out of MP
  • AUTO
  • Keep HP above 200 with Diarahan ディアラハン

Walk forward to finish the game