
Go outside building and mash through story, pass by the windfrag that attacks you.


  • AUTO Attack

Reorder party, put pichi-frost last. Set options.

Fight random encounters with auto-attack.

Head to school to classroom on second floor.

Go to park, grind til level 6. After that, head to the underground mall to the VN.


  • 2,1,2,1,2
  • 2,3,1,3,2
  • 3,2,1,3,2

Go to mansion, fuse Pichi Frost, Chefrot and Nekomata into Grey.

Head into shop, buy 50 chakra drinks. Head to the park to meet Shou (fight on the way maybe).Save.


  • Grey - attack/dia
  • Ichigo Frost - Bufu

Fight demons until level 8. Heal. Leave and go back to the hospital to the second floor to check on Shou.

Go back to the park.

Train Station

Go down the lower ladder to get the Luck Chip chest. Set it on the devilizer and go back up.

Go around and talk to the tree to get the hidden demon. Then head to the right ladder and go down the dungeon. Keep going to the train station.

Go to mansion and fuse Requiem into Gray. Summon Agathion from the PC in front of Ichigo Frost.

Head inside the train.


  • Gray - Attack Nike
  • Agathion - Zionga left guy then keep it up

Leave train and head to the first corridor down to the Makai gate.

Sand land

Go into town, heal at the hotel then leave through west to head to Isis. Grind with normal attack until level 12. At level 10, recruit 2 Cait Siths.

Go to the next town and fuse:

  • Cait Sith x Cait Sith = Cait Sith (learns estoma).

Keep defeating with auto attack on the way to the next town. Go up on cliff to get a chest with a revival bead.

Talk to Mecchi then head to the pyramid and watch the scene. Summon fairy at the PC and heal up. Go to the cave.


  • 21x smoke bombs.


  • Zionga with both and use the Fairy

Go back to town and talk to Mecchi to unlock the underground path to the pyramid (right, right, up, up, right).

Go through pyramid:

  • left, left -switch- up stairs
  • down, left, down, all the way left, up -switch up, right, down, right stairs
  • up left, up, right, stairs -switch- down; down, left, left, up -chest Savescum on chest for at least 2 speed seeds- down down stairs.


  • Gray + Fairy
  • Zionga, Zanma

Talk to Isis. Go past her to head to the next Makai gate.

Wind Land

Head to first town in Wind World and talk to the sick girl at the house.

Go to the store buy around 25x wind magatamas. Heal.

Go to lake:

  • left, talk to old man, left up, right, down, right, down, down, right, SAVE


  • Gray + Fairy
  • Zionga, Zanma + Wind Magatamas

Up, left, down, grab mushroom, go back. Talk to the sick girl again

Go west to cave (right, up, right, up, right, up, door; left, up, left up, left up, door; right -chest, up, left, down,up ) to head to the next city. Keep using estoma.

Talk to Set near the temple. Then head inside and talk to Baramon.

Go back outside and head north. Set Agathion to first in party instead of Fairy.

Head inside the casino.


  • Gray + Agathion - Zionga, Zionga

Heal. Talk to demon near windmill. Then head to cliff and use the kite to go flying (west)

Head inside the temple, using estoma. Talk to Ace Frost to get him.

Leave again through the cliff to straight east then straight south and stop by the other temple.

Go up then left until you reach the guardian.

After that, go inside the temple again and go right this time. Savescum at the chest with attack seeds then go north behind the pillar without the fire.


  • Wind Magatama + Zanma

Leave and head straight north.

Ice Land

Next town head to Hotel and talk to Takaharu.

Heal. Leave north again to head east.


  • North; North, left, north, right, north, left, north, left, down, left, right, down
  • Left northmost, right, up, right, woopity woop, talk to takaharu
  • Up, left, up



  • Wind Magatama + Zanma

In Frost Town, buy 11x Angel Wings and 2x Revival Orbs.

Talk to King Frost and go past him to go to the Makai Gate back home.


Go North West to the hospital. After talking, use a tsubasa wing to go back home. Go to Takaharu's house to talk to Shou.

Leave and head to the Tower at South West. Talk to Takaharu.

Go back to school to go back to Iceland.

Uriel's Minions:

  • Gray and Fairy
  • Special, Zanma (Koakuma first)

Ice Land

Head to Iceland, set the item to raise encounter rate on the devilizer and stay near the town to grind to level 17. At 16 switch to grinding near Frost Town.

Summon Ace Frost on front. Go to house to learn spells and teach Ace Frost the last spell.

Do 3 fights while you wait for Ace Frost to learn the spell. Then head to the town to heal and retrieve Ace Frost, put in Kinglizer and set the Kinglizer as the preferred gun. Put Cait Sith and Fairy on the Kinglizer behind Frost Ace too.

Go back to Iceland and go rescue King Frost. Up north, right then north.


  • Right, down, right -teleport-
  • Norht -stairs-, right -stairs, left, up, left, middle stairs
  • Chest, down, right, down

Grab chest with the attack up power and set it on the Kinglizer along with the luck one.


  • Grey, Frost Ace
  • Media, Special


  • Same strat

Put all the seeds on Grey. Talk to King Frost then go back to the home world.

Earth and Beyond


Go back and talk to Takaharu.


  • Gray, Frost Ace
  • Media/Wing Magatama, Special

Go to Tower, go all the way up and take the Makai gate.

Head to the cliff to talk to Uriel.

Leave prison and heal at fountain.

Deep Hole:

  • Left down, right down, left down, left up, stairs
  • Down, right, up, stairs
  • Left, door, Makai gate

Head to Central land:

  • up, right, up, left, up, cave
  • up, right, up, left, up, ladder
  • up, right, left, up -chest-, straight up

Head to the trainer and buy Hell Rush. Go to store and buy 20x Life Stones, 10x Revival Orbs, rest into Chakra Recovery items.

Head to castle to talk to Lucifer.

Head past Lucifer back to the Home World and head to the Tower to meet Takaharu.

Head back to the rooftop to the Makai Gate.

Talk to the Cliff.


  • Gray, Frost Ace
  • Special, Special

Cross to the other side to the Makai Gate.

Angel World

Go through the Lake:

  • left, up, right, up, left, up, right, down, right,
  • left, up, left, up, right, switch, submerge to go back

Grind at lake (Set the encounter up chip) til level 29. Set the chip back to the luck one. Go grab chests.

More Lake:

  • Go back


  • Special Special/Heal

Talk to the King that's right there. Go south to the town, go heal and then go further south to try to leave.

Go east then north to the Makai Gate.

Go straight south then right to enter the tower. Tower:

  • Up the stairs
  • Down, right, stairs
  • Left stairs


  • Gray, Frost Ace
  • Special, Heal

Angel Wing and go back then head further east. Put every demon in Devilizer.

After next town, save scum for encounter to recruit 2x Sweet. Put them in the Kinglizer and switch out Agathion. Then head to the next tower.


  • up ladder, fountain, up ladder, stairs
  • go around, stairs
  • grab chest, save

Set chips on Kinglizer. Grab M-Guard chest near boss fight.


  • Gray, Sweet
  • Heal, Special

Leave tower then continue north. Enter house with secret path, return Fairy, Frost Ace and Agathion.

Near the fountain, grind to 33 and then get 2x Indi. Set them on the Devilizer and set the chips.

To boss:

  • Left to teleporter
  • Right, bottom teleporter
  • Teleporter (not stairs)
  • Right to teleporter
  • Stairs
  • Door, save


  • Gray, Indi
  • Heal, Special

Leave straight south and then walk to the Makai Gate.

(On the way, keep grinding til level 36.)

Take the Makai Gate up the last dungeon.


  • Right, up, stairs
  • Right up, left, center stairs

Phoenix: King Rush

Ragiel: King Rush, Last Pierce

Say second option both times to get the Bad Ending. GG